Your Introduction to the AMS Fleet Manager Desktop Application
The dashboard is a sophisticated asset tracking solution for your vehicles. You can monitor all of your mobile assets and your drivers driving style. The below diagram specifies each assets location, date, time, speed, direction and status information globally and this can all be tracked via your own personal login through any internet enabled device. Also The solution is tailored to your requirement but various additions include:
The live screen shows up to date information on your fleet of vehicles. The grid on the left contains all of the textual data alongside each asset name. The asset name is usually the vehicle registration number but can be anything the client requires, such as fleet number. At the bottom of the screen is various filter controls and search mechanisms to assist in finding the relevant information you may require. The mapping has 5 options for the end user, and these are selected by clicking the plus sign in the top right hand corner of the map.
Once a mapping selection is made, the system will refer to this as default when opening new screens or logging back in.
The Cog icon allows you to further adapt your default settings upon log in, and the Home icon controls which depots you wish to view. You can have multiple depots for different locations around the country, all containing the related assets.
The stats screen breaks down driver behaviour elements by day. The small icon in the bottom left-hand corner allows you to navigate the calendar and select different days to view, with the default always being the current day. This screen is ideal for quickly comparing the way that drivers are treating the vehicles – if you hover over each section of the bar graph, you can see the event type and amount of breaches.
The Tiles screen allows the user to select an individual asset for review, or by using keyboard shortcuts, to block select assets and compare. When assets are selected a tile appears on the right hand panel, and by selecting the arrows in the corner of the box you can open a map or street view of the asset location.
The Trail screen allows the user to select a single asset and view its movements on the map. Tick boxes allow you to include further data, including over speed, idle, behaviour and alerts. The calendar icon in the bottom left of the screen allows you to select an alternative date, and you can easily switch between assets to review their behaviour. Please note, the system can only pull back 500 events per query.
There are various report headers as above, each of them returning the following reports:
Under Asset reports the above are available as standard. If other reports are required then these can be requested from our Support Team who will log your request and take it through the process to delivery.
- Detailed Report – this report is used generally by our support staff as it shows all events from the device and allows analysis in depth of what the unit is doing. It shows line by line every event we receive.
- Summary Report – this report shows every start and stop and a summary of totals for that specific journey. It further provides the standing time between journeys that could indicate time on site/job.
- Timesheet Report – this is a macro level report that summarises the vehicles use per day and is most commonly used to verify manually submitted timesheets.
- Mileage – this simply returns the asset name (VRN) and the number of miles driven within the selected period.
- Over Speed – this report allows the end user to define a date period and a “speed over” value i.e. 70 MPH. The report will bring back all events above the selected speed.
- Asset Location – this report allows the selection of a date and time range, a postcode and distance from said postcode. This allows you to see if an asset was within a specified distance of the postcode at a certain time and date. This is useful to protect drivers from claims from the public of poor driving etc.
- Daily summary – this is the same as the summary report but in a different format.
- Daily Driving – breaks down the driver’s day by total journey time, idle time and driving time. This allows at a glance the end user to identify excessive idle and analyse differences between driving times for assets.
- Inside Operational Hours – once operational working hours are set up, this report will contain all totals within the set working hours.
- Outside Operational Hours – this will contain all journey totals outside of the set working hours and total up the driving time and miles driven.
- Journeys Outside Operational Hours – this report drills down to journey level and displays each journey outside of operational hours.
- Ranking – the ranking report is a mixture of data and graphs, with 3 options for the user to select. Breaches are an incident of harsh braking, accelerating or cornering, and we also include idle after 1 minute as a breach. The 3 report options are arranged by number of breaches, breaches divided by the driving time, or breaches divided by the number of miles driven. Select the assets dates, your chosen option and the report will rank your drivers best to worst, as well as clearly identifying in a bar graph the aspects of their driving that need to be improved.
- Evolution – this report identifies long term trends, with the same 3 selection options as the Ranking Report. It is designed to be run in conjunction with driver education, as experience shows that the better this is managed, the more money is saved in fleet costs.
- Visits per Asset – this report will identify any waypoint that a selected asset(s) has visited in the user defined time period. Waypoints are created under Admin>Waypoints>Manage Waypoints.
- Visits per Waypoint – this report will identify any assets that have visited a selected waypoint.
When you first click the Admin tab you have various sub headings to select, as follows:
When ‘Asset’ is selected, you will be presented with a drop down list of your assets. Within this screen various changes can be made under each of the available headings, and this is also where an asset can be moved between depots if the end user has a multi depot set up.
By entering an email address in the correct field, alerts can be triggered by date for any of the criteria shown 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks prior to the date selected.
By entering the service date and time, the odometer reading will calculate the current odometer value by adding all journeys since that date and time to the entered figure. If the next service interval is entered with an email address, then an email notification will be sent when the service is due. If required the odometer column can be displayed on the Live Screen, but you will need to request this from Support on 01473 891011. The odometer only updates every time a journey is completed, and is not live during a journey.
The driver tab allows the input of specific driver details and incorporates an email notification when a licence is due to expire. A picture of their licence can be uploaded onto the system.
The next tab in the Admin section is System Admin.
This function allows the end user to stop any asset from reporting to the live site. This could be that an individual has requested that they use the car personally for a holiday and do not wish to be tracked for that period, for example. Please note that if this function is used, the data is not retrievable as it will no longer be sent by the device.
By setting the working hours in this admin screen, it facilitates the use of the inside/outside working hours report. These can be altered at any time.
Within this screen are the default alerts. To configure each alert, simply click the magnifying glass icon and it will present the set up screen. When values are set up, they will appear in the email and SMS boxes.
- Idle – when the engine is running and the asset hasn’t moved for 3 minutes it will trigger an idle alert.
- Out of Hours – when setting up this alert you enter a start and finish time per day. Any start outside of these hours will trigger an alert. If you wish to select the whole day as no working select 00:01 to 00:02, thus making the whole day outside of hours (i.e. a Saturday).
- Over Speed – the device has a pre-configured over speed programmed into it. This alert can be set to notify as required.
- Power Loss – depending on the device installed, this can be configured so that when a device is removed from a power source you are notified.
- Shield Breach – this is when the vehicle detects that it is moving, but has no ignition present. The GPS detects movement of greater than 50 Meters in one minute, so will report on a 1 minute cycle until movement is less than 50 Meters per minute.
- Unauthorised Waypoint – this alert can be set by vehicle to specific waypoints. You must select the waypoints from the list that are not authorised locations. If a vehicle reports a start, stop or idle within the selected waypoint it will trigger the alert.
- Waypoint Entry – this is triggered by any event within the waypoint selected.
- Waypoint Exit – this is triggered by any event that reports being outside of the specified waypoint once the asset has reported being within it.
- Waypoint Visit – this alert is only triggered by a start, stop or idle event within the selected waypoint.
When selecting ‘User Access’ there is two options:
All fields marked with a red star must be completed; if an expiry date is not entered it will default to 2099. Any field with a tick means that you can see the depot or asset or use the functionality that it applies to. Remove the ticks to remove the access. Once completed click Save. If a user can see all assets within a depot and a new device is added, it will automatically add this to the user’s profile. If the user is restricted to vehicles, a new vehicle must be added manually else it will not appear.
If the system rejects the login or password, it’s because it’s already allocated within the database. Please enter an alternative and try again.
Edit User is exactly the same as creating a new user, but details are pre-generated for editing.
When selecting POI there are two options: manage POI and POI groups. POI stands for ‘point of interest’. Unlike a waypoint, it has no radius alerts or reports associated to it, and is simply a point on the map. To display the POI’s on the Live screen select the Layers Icon.
Then click the red section next to POI to turn it on and display the pin. Do the same with display labels to turn on the display of the POI name tag.
To create a POI select Manage POI’s, and you will be asked to search or create new:
Once a POI is selected, it can be edited or a new one created:
POI’s can be grouped by colour. These groups can be managed from the POI Groups tab:
Group names can be edited by changing the name field and selecting save.
A waypoint is a geographical ring fence that when an asset reports within that area, we add to the location field the waypoint name. Once created we can report and alert against them.
By selecting ‘Manage Waypoint’, the end user can select existing waypoints from the grid on the left and edit the information, manipulating it by extending the shape parameters. A new POI waypoint can also be created by looking up a postcode, clicking on the map, completing the name details and selecting the associated group.
The waypoint groups can be re-named in the Waypoint Group tab.
To create a new depot or manage existing depot information, select the depot tab. You can select an existing depot or create a new one. If you create a new depot, assets can be added from the Admin>Asset> Select an Asset.
To move across, use the drop down menu to select the new depot you have created. Remember users may have to be edited to see this depot.
The ‘My Account’ tab holds the key contact data for operational matters and invoicing. It is the end users responsibility to ensure that these are kept up to date, as this is where responses to Support requests and invoices will be issued.
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