FORS & CLOCS Compliance

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) and The Construction and Logistics Community Safety Scheme (CLOCS) are nationwide specifications in relation to vehicle safety. FORS is generally aimed at the freight sector but also applies to vans and other vehicles. CLOCS is more focussed upon the construction sector but again covers many vehicle types.

If you are operating a service that utilises light commercial vehicles (LCVs) or Heavy Good Vehicles (HGVs) it is increasingly important to achieve FORS accreditation as a way of proving to prospective or existing clients that you are adhering to national safety standards. Our vehicle safety systems ensure that fleets can attain FORS bronze, FORS silver and FORS gold accreditations.

In order to be recognised as a bronze FORS fleet operator, you must: “Record and monitor all driving infractions, and take remedial action to minimise future recurrences. Fleet operators shall ensure that all vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight shall display on the rear of the vehicle warning signage and markings to warn vulnerable roads users not to get too close to the vehicle. Signage and markings shall warn the vulnerable road user of the potential danger.”

For bronze level recognition there is no stipulation to fit vehicle safety products nor reference to telematics/tracking support but operators are set a time limit set in which to progress to FORS silver accreditation.

connected camera ability with the AMS incident downloads package.

Reduction in fleet operating costs

Vehicle camera safety systems help to reduce insurance premiums by up to 20% and improve fuel efficiency.

Improvement in driving habits and driver’s behaviour

Drivers can improve skills, reduce road risk and boost safety best practice knowledge

Protection against false claims and theft

Having in-vehicle camera technology offers protection against false driving allegations and cash-for-crash scenarios.

Increased customer retention

FORS accreditation showcases a commitment to good practice in all aspects of the business, including road safety and sustainability issues, making you the company of choice for the new clients.

FORS & CLOCS Guidance

As a FORS Approved Supplier who supply security and safety systems, Asset Monitoring Solutions is perfectly placed to respond to the safety and compliance requirements of UK based fleet operators. Here are just a few areas in which we offer you a one-stop-shop towards FORS v5 Accreditation:

O2 – Fuel, Emissions and Idling

The Asset Monitoring Solutions Fleet telematics system provides fleet operators with detailed vehicle routing data, indicative CO2 emissions along with the number and severity of engine idling incidents of each vehicle. In doing so, operators can reduce fuel costs and unnecessary emissions. “Idling should be considered during route planning and vehicle waiting times minimised. Coach operators should instruct their drivers to turn off the engine when loading luggage or waiting for passengers to board, whilst truck operators need to instruct their drivers to turn off the engine while waiting for access to sites and during loading/unloading.”

O6 – Operational Security

The Asset Monitoring Solutions Fleet system offers the option of Insurance Approved 24/7 Theft Monitoring coupled with a choice of alarm, immobilisation and electronic locking systems enabling fleet operators to: “Reduce the risk of vehicle and equipment theft and limit the possibility of unauthorised or illegal access to vehicles.”

O7 – Counter Terrorism

In addition to minimising the risk of unauthorised vehicle use, fleet operators are also able to remotely immobilise a vehicle in the event of theft or threat of terrorist attack using the Asset Monitoring Solutions Fleet system.

D7 – Driver’s Hours & Working Time

Asset Monitoring Solutions provides fleet managers remote access to their tachograph data files. Live operations are supported by the Asset Monitoring Solutions Fleet system enabling operators to record and be alerted when driver hours are exceeded.

M10 – Transport Infringements

Detailed driver behaviour analysis including the frequency and severity of speeding, harsh acceleration, harsh braking and excessive idling incidents are provided by the Asset Monitoring Solutions Fleet system. Seatbelt and mobile phone usage can also be monitored via our in-cab cameras. This enables fleet operators to take remedial or disciplinary action to minimise future recurrence.

S6 – Vehicle Safety Equipment

Asset Monitoring Solutions supplied safety systems offer “blind spot vision aids that provide the driver with a full view of the near-side vehicle blind spot. An audible warning system that alerts other road users of left-turn and reversing manoeuvres. A camera system that monitors the near- side vehicle blind spot. An in-cab display screen to provide the driver with a view of the near-side blind spot. An in-cab audible warning system to alert the driver of other road users in the near-side blind spot.“ For rigid vehicles over 7.5 ton, digital video recording of incidents to assist driver training is also supported.

S2 – Performance Data

Supported by Asset Monitoring Solutions Fleet, operators can set baseline data and undertake active monitoring of a variety of performance indicators including distance travelled, CO2 emission and video based collision and incident data

Bronze accreditation confirms that you employ good practice and comply with the requirements laid out by the FORS Standard. This includes demonstrating dedication to driver and vehicle safety, combined with improving operating practices through effective monitoring of fuel and tyre usage.

Silver accreditation confirms that you employ good practice and comply with the requirements laid out by the FORS Standard. By achieving FORS Silver accreditation your fleet will be compliant with the CLOCS Standard for Construction Logistics and with TfL’s WRRR (Work Related Road Risk).

FORS Gold requirements primarily involve best practice measures, including you promoting the FORS Standard through your supply chain and demonstrating meaningful improvements against the baseline data gathered in FORS Silver.

Ready to make the management of your fleet more efficient?

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