AMS Hybrid
A 2 wire Self installation device providing the same high level reporting as our hardwired devices but uses a combination of gps/accelerometer and movement sensors to detect journey start and end information. Designed to be installed on the top of the vehicle 12-24v battery.

A professionally installed unit designed to withstand harsher environments. Typically installed into boats , jet-skis and construction machinery.

The most versatile self installation device , plugs directly into the onboard diagnostic socket on vehicles , to allow a more secure and unobtrusive installation all AMS OBD units are supplied with a free OBD extender cable.

AMS Hardwired
Our most popular track and trace device, professionally installed delivering all device movement and driver behaviour information you would expect as standard from a professional traking device.

AMS Fleet Manager +
Our most sophisticated device allow customers to build on a standard tracking system and include , driver identification, immobilisation, PTO data , temperature monitoring and fuel/engine diagnostics.